

Friday, September 16, 2011

Guns and Moses

I recently returned from a two week excursion in Israel.   It was an incredible experience and I am so thankful I got the chance to visit such a beautiful and spiritual country-- it also allowed for a lot of self (and life) reflection (hence why I am finally embarking on my first post). 

My first Israeli dinning experience 

The Israeli food was so flavorful, the weather was gorgeous (think more Mediterraneanan heat and less blow-dryer heat), the people were extremely welcoming (and extremely good looking), and amongst all the chaos of buses, hikes, rivers, tours, talking and such-- I found out some interesting things about myself.... 

1. I can get by with very little sleep.

2. I am absolutely not good at being on time (ok, ok.. I've known this one for many years now).

3. I have a remarkably large bladder (too soon for intimate details?) 

4. When put in a "school-esque" setting I can and will revert back to being a 12-year old girl ("Who is going to sit by me on the bus" was a serious daily thought ).

5. I can be dirty.  Yes I prefer feeling fancy (even if that does sound snobby), but I can and did get dirty DAILY and loved every minute of it.

6.  The rest is yet to fully brew...

Me at the Dead Sea in Israel with Mud all over myself

1 comment:

  1. This is the prettiest blog ever! Hope you love your new shoes!!!;)
